Social Worker Salary in New Zealand
per year
per hour
per hour
per year
Social Worker - Average Salary & Hourly Pay NZ
The median (average) salary for a Social Worker in New Zealand is NZ$67,925 per year (NZ$32.66 per hour), which is 10% higher than the national median (average) salary.
Social Worker salary range: NZ$51,228 to NZ$100,470.
Social Worker salary range: NZ$51,228 to NZ$100,470.
Median salary
Median salary
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Social Worker Salary Range
Among Social Workers registered with the Social Workers Registration Board (SWRB NZ), Mental Health & Addiction Support Workers or Social Workers working at Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children tend to have the lowest salaries, while Clinical Social Workers at district health boards (DHBs), Senior Practitioners or Supervisors Social Workers usually earn more.
Social Worker - Pay Differences
Job | Salary | Difference |
Social Work Supervisor | NZ$79K/year | +16% |
Clinical Social Worker | NZ$71K/year | +5% |
Mental Health and Addiction Support Worker | NZ$65K/year | -4% |
Social Worker - Pay by Experience Level in New Zealand
An Entry Level Social Worker with up to three years experience can expect to earn an average compensation of NZ$53,000 gross per year. A mid career Social Worker with four to nine years of experience tipically earns NZ$65,000, while the average income for a Senior Social Worker with ten to twenty years of experience is estimated to be around NZ$76,000. Social Workers with more than twenty years of experience may earn more than NZ$90,000.
How Work Experience Affects the Pay of a Social Worker
Late Career | ▲ +32% |
Senior | ▲ +12% |
Average Salary | NZ$67,925/year |
Mid Career | ▼ -4% |
Entry Level | ▼ -22% |
Gender Breakdown
Social Worker - Related Salaries
The salary information presented on this page is a guide only. Salaries are gross unless otherwise stated.
Salary data are from Social Worker job vacancies advertised on Jobted NZ and published data on pay rates.
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Frequently asked questions about the salary of the Social Worker
How much does a Social Worker make in New Zealand?
What is the starting salary for a Social Worker in New Zealand?
What is the highest salary for a Social Worker in New Zealand?
Social Worker Jobs